Saturday, November 11, 2006

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

daily news

I've decided to post a drawing a day to ensure that I keep up with my blog. And I've chosen the daily news to help me in this endeavor. Starting today I will pick one photo or article from the newspaper that strikes my fancy and draw it. I plan to keep these drawings fairly simple and loose. This is first and foremost an exercise in discipline.

Here's my first daily newspaper drawing, from an article entitled "Exercising their rights":

Sunday, November 5, 2006

Fun with brushes

I finally decided to put down my technical pens for the moment and try inking with brushes. This is a big step for me considering that I'm somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to my art. I like to be in control, which is probably why I like technical pens so much. The lines are so predictable. But predictable can start to become a little boring and stagnant. Branching out and always experimenting is vital for an artist. I can be a coward when I draw/paint. The fear of making a shitty drawing holds me back sometimes. But I'm trying to get over this irrational fear. A few days ago I bought a few sumi brushes and began playing around. Here are a few drawings I did.